
Source: chxrrypie

Science Communication


Source: a u r o r a

December 2023

Standing at the cornerstone of genetic research, Cre-loxP recombination serves as molecular scissors for precisely manipulating the genome.

Meritxell Huch tackled her pipedream of growing three-dimensional pancreatic tissue in a dish.

With an appetite for answers, scientists get to the meat of why some unusual foods taste like our favorite fowl.

November 2023

A tornado-like vortex sampling technology detects low levels of SARS-CoV-2 viral particles within minutes.

PHYTOMap revealed the intricate genetic plant landscape, which helped researchers better understand how cells and gene expression influence each other in three-dimensional space.

Annalise Rogalsky finally got the potassium metal to react, but not during her experiment.

Gene reactivation restored hearing after loss in mice, but the timing of intervention is key.

October 2023

Bioinspired small molecules combat viral threats by targeting a common feature in enveloped viruses, making them useful against a wide range of viruses.

September 2023

Piet Borst led stellar work on cell organelles, trypanosomes, and cancer drug resistance during the golden age of biology.

John Jumper and Demis Hassabis received this year’s 2023 Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award for their work on the artificial intelligence system AlphaFold, which changed the landscape of protein biology. 

In the fight between hosts and fungal pathogens, scientists discovered how withholding manganese can cripple Candida albicans.

Source: Spacecrafting
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